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Eco Viva - Produktentwicklung

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Eco Viva - Produktentwicklung

Eco Viva - Produktentwicklung

Verpackungsentwicklung & Design

Eco Viva - Produktentwicklung

Eco Viva - Produktentwicklung

Gesamtheitliche Ansätze vom Feld auf den Tisch.


Eco Viva - Produktentwicklung

Ideen & Konzepte aus einer Hand - unser Expertenteam aus Produktentwicklern und Grafikern bietet 360°-Lösungen

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Eco Viva - Produktentwicklung

Planung & Umsetzung, Lebensmittelrechtliche Deklarationen

Product development
Recycling Zeichen braun.png
Einwaage Logo braun.png
Raw Materials | Packaging | Design | Specifications
| Food law |Declarations + Ingredients | Certifications

You have a product idea and want to put it into practice? - You intend to optimise your assortment or single products or to carry out a relaunch? - Eco Viva supports you with all steps which are important for your product development. Not only the design, but also choice and composition of raw goods and ingredients as well as the "right" calculation are developed together with you within the scope of your planning adequately in the tension field between production and consumer.

Eco Viva Product development:

  • Product development

  • Packaging design

  • Product calculation

  • Packaging texts and labelling

Not only the contents and the form are decisive for the later success of your product, but also the comprehensive and logical development of an assortment politics which transports the USP's of your products according to your marketing approach and appeals not only to your trade partners, but also to the end consumer. Eco Viva consults you in the analysis and consideration of consumer-oriented product standards and market developments which are to be considered in the product development. In addition, we consult you in food-juridical questions and the management of demands caused by labelling requirements and the packaging laws. Also packaging prevention and disposal belong to the ToDo's of the product development. In addition to that we consider logistical and functional aspects. We advise you with pleasure.

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